They’ll never forget this sunny surprise! With lovely purple roses, white alstroemeria, yellow roses, and pink spray roses, this striking arrangement features all the colors of a beautiful sunrise. Send Delicate Sunrise to someone special today!
Spring flowers are the best flowers! With an arrangement to celebrate the beauty of the season, you’ll have them blooming with joy! Our Spring Special is designed by our experienced florists to ensure these flowers are worth presenting in your home or to someone you love. Celebrate the brightest season of all today!
Pastel Basket, Greens: Variegated Pittosporum, Silver Dollar Eucalyptus, Ivy, Salal, Flowers: Yellow Tulips, Blue Hydrangea, Peach Gerberas, Green Carnations, Light Pink Rose, Light Pink Spray Rose, Yellow Button Poms, White Waxflower.
A fresh mix of seasonal flowers, Spring Morning is a beautiful pastel basket arrangement. A pillow of blue hydrangea nestles with peach gerberas and two varieties of light pink roses while yellow tulips rise like the morning sun. Add a little bit of spring to your home today!
What a dream! The varying shades of purples and lavenders create a wondrous mix full of lovely carnations, tulips, roses, and more. Pure Radiance is sure to be a hit with anyone who sees it. Send this striking lavender bouquet to someone you love today!
What a sweet treat this bouquet is! Full of Free Spirit roses, snapdragons, tulips, lilies, and more in shades of pink, purple, yellow, and peach, A Fruity Mix is a citrus delight. Add some sweetness to your next occasion with this charming bouquet!
Bring a pink lover's dream to life with this stunning basket! Filled with gorgeous light pink lilies, lavender carnations, light pink roses, lavender stock, and so much more, Pretty with Pinks is a delightfully fragrant mix. Send the special people in your life this sweet basket today!
Sweetheart Vase, Seeded Eucalyptus, Myrtle, Salal, White Larkspur , White Cushion Poms, Light Pink Roses, White Stock, Yellow Tulips , White Waxflowersvau.
This stunning bouquet is a lush spring meadow arranged in a vase! Whimsical daisies, roses, tulips, and more create this dazzling arrangement. Pastel Meadows is a breath of fresh air and makes a lovely addition to any home!
Every turn of this arrangement brings forth a new colorful display. This arrangement contains bold hues of pink carnations, purple larkspur, yellow tulips, and dynamic Free Spirit roses. Send Vibrant Kaleidoscope to someone special today!
Hot Pink Roses, Peach Roses, Ti Leaves, Yellow Billy Balls, Green Button Mums, Trick Ballsgreen Moss, Salidago, Varigated Pit, Ceramic Vase.
EXCLUSIVE For the one who is a ray of sunshine, our vibrant new Sunset Bouquet. A fresh arrangement of hot-pink, orange & yellow blooms, assorted greenery and looped Ti leaves for a contemporary flair. It’s all handcrafted in our modern, white geometric vase with a satin finish for a perfect complement. As sunsets will do, it will take their breath away.
You deserve a springtime reward. Divine Designs By The Wedding Woman will design a glorious bouquet of spring flowers for your home. Bring in the spring sunshine with a vase of daffodils. Capture the fresh breeze of a spring day with a basket of flowers. Celebrate the simple pleasures of spring with blue iris, pink gerbera daisies or rosy tulips. Feel the day's delight with spring flower arrangements. Everywhere you turn in Durham, NC the revival of spring is felt. Divine Designs By The Wedding Woman has a charming collection of spring flowers waiting to brighten your day.
Store Hours: Mon-Friday 9:30 - 5 pm
By Appointment on Holidays, Saturday and Sunday
Call 919-596-1228 for ordering or assistance.
Non Holiday Weekend Hours
Saturday and Sunday by appointment.
Please call 919-596-1228